Friday, October 17, 2008

So What Was All This Really?

Two videos from last night's Alfred E. Smith memorial dinner.  In order of appearance, first up, Sen. McCain and then Sen. Obama:

McCain was more at ease and frankly funnier, not that Obama embarrassed himself.  He was funny, too.  His line about being "awesome" had me laughing for 5 minutes.

But here is what irritates me.  Why couldn't the campaign have had this kind of esprit de corps?  Was it all some in-joke among politicians on how to manipulate the public?  Lookit, I'm as irreverent and obnoxious as the next loudmouth.  Those whom I work with can vouch for this.  But I don't have the fate of a country hanging on my words and actions.  And I am sure the Alfred E. Smith is a worthy charity, but something mildly turns my stomach watching combatants from all corners dressed up in white tie and tails, with heavy silver service, Wedgewood bone china, Lalique crystal and linen table cloths snarking it up on each other weeks before the election.

And as for McCain, clearly this is the man the press continues to give homage, despite his campaign not reflecting one iota of what this man supposedly is.  Which begs the question...  If McCain cannot keep his campaign on message and in line with his ideals, bowing instead to party pressure or ambition or whatever the fuck supposedly compelled him to sell his soul, how can I trust that he would not do the same running the country?

I've lost my sense of humor.  I wonder why.

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