Thursday, February 05, 2009

Now, Wonkette Can Write Some Headlines

I know I said I was through with The Corner too.  This isn't actually me checking in on The Corner, per se.  It's through a third party; one of my favorite third parties, Wonkette.  They're hilarious.  NRO Dildo Has Been Accurately Predicting President Obama’s Failures Since March ‘08.  Now that's a headline.

See, what had happened was...  Victor Davis Hanson, essayed Pres. Obama's apparent epic failure on The Corner.  Wonkette saw.  It snarkily and accurately conquered.
So who can elitist Washington journalists turn to for PROOF that Obama has already failed 1,000% at everything, forever? How about some dingbat National Review Online blogger who is consistently wrong about everything, always, but somehow gets a pass because he used to teach history and lives on a raisin farm in Fresno?

Victor Davis Hanson, come on down!


There is only one small problem with using a wingnut NRO blogger as the barometer of Obama’s presidential success: Victor Davis Hanson has been regularly announcing the complete, dismal failure of Barack Obama’s presidency since March of last year. Each and every time, Hanson has been wrong. No matter the historical analogy that might or might not been relevant, no matter the educated certainty of the tone — he sounds pretty smart next to mouth-breathing fartsacks like Jonah Goldberg or Kathryn Jean Lopez! — the endless hopeful predictions of Obama’s failure never manage to actually come true. But keep trying, Victor! Even a broken clock needs to be thrown in the fucking trash.
I can shout "Fuck You" at idiocy, but I have a hard time calling people names like "mouth-breathing fartsacks,."  Go figure.  So I pretty much rely on Wonkette to do it for me.

Also, per Wonkette, The Economist (The Economist!!) took the time to catalogue Victor Davis Hanson's consistent inaccuracies.

1 comment:

  1. I freaking love Wonkette. Every once in awhile they go over the top but most of the time they put in good work like this.
