Saturday, February 07, 2009

I Can't Keep My Fingers Off The Cheney Scab; It's Bugging Me

Keith Olbermann can get on my nerves.  But I give him a pass most times because he piped up in his Special Comment about the flagrant gutting of the country by BushCo when no one else would.  His righteous fury can be trying and I'm fairly certain he can be insufferable, but what he says is choice.  Criticism of him says that he's the left wing version of Bill O'Reilly, which I call bullshit on because Bill O'Reilly's fury is based on inaccuracies and talking points and xenophobia and bigotry and bullying.  Keith may be tough to take at times, but at the very least, he's got the Constitution in mind.

So, let me get this straight.  US Intelligence caught a terrorist mid-plot, tried him, sentenced him and in the process got information that told of a terrorist plan to mass murder US citizens, put the information in an August memo of 2001 to the then president and STILL 9/11 happened?

Why?  Why would the Bush Administration ignore such a thing?

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