Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Speaking Of Shelby Steele

As Rikyrah said at TNC's post on the matter, somebody needs to call Ray Ray and Junebug and beat Juan Williams' ass.  This little gnome sat his "lone liberal on Fox News" ass up on Bill O'Reilly's show and, without any provocation from Bill O, disrespected Michelle Obama by out and out lying.

I have the same problem with this as I have with most of what Shelby Steele writes.  Untrue Republican talking points are broadcast by the Negroes Republicans can stomach.  Michelle Obama has never blamed America.  She has never victimized herself or her race.  But the Negroes dance and dance.

I could fling terms about like House Negro, Slave Catcher, Tom, but are these invectives fair application to Mr. Williams?  Williams has held it down in many arenas before they decided to allow his "feets don't fail me now" ass in the Fox manse.  He is the author of the non-fiction bestseller Eyes on The Prize: America's Civil Rights Years, 1954-1965 and Thurgood Marshall — American Revolutionary.  What changed?  Money?  Is Fox money that big?

Maybe it's not about Williams jigging in front of the white folks.  Maybe it's more about his disrespectful history towards women.  Perhaps, as ridiculously brilliant Adam Serwer wonders, he is one of those black men who pen essays like Why I Don't Date Black Women.  Perhaps a black from a distance 6 foot tall accomplished serious black woman shrivels Williams like a dip in a cold pool.  And since he doesn't have to say these untruths in front of Michelle, or the President for that matter, he can spout off whatever drivel he wishes.  It's just too bad it's in front of Bill O'Reilly and a chick named Mary Catherine.  I wonder what their reaction would be if he spouted off such untruths about...say...Republican Political Sex Pixie Sarah Palin.  Would they still let him in the house then?

As I suggested at TNC, yeah.  He needs his ass beat.  By President Barack Obama on the basketball court.

PROGRAMMING NOTE:  Nothing about this post is particularly original.  During my work day, I scan the internet on my breaks and lunch hour, so I'm usually 8-12 hours behind in the break of the story and by then, everything astute that can be said about a subject has been said, as evidenced by Rikyrah's assertion that somebody needs to get Ray Ray and Junebug and beat his ass.  This late in the game, I would only add "don't make me go get Big Mike."

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