Wednesday, January 28, 2009

See. This Is How It's Done

My God it's good to have a knowledgeable coherent man representing my interests.  (Note that this is in two parts -- click on one of the screens at the bottom that come up at the end for the second part.) My long time writing crush Adam Serwer (link to his stuff in previous post) points out the exchange about who the frak are terrorists going to now blame for their lot.
ADAM:  ...I just wanted to point out that this is what an effective taunt looks like:
Q How concerned are you and -- because people sense that you have a different political discourse. And I think, judging by (inaudible) and Zawahiri and Osama bin Laden and all these, you know -- a chorus --
THE PRESIDENT: Yes, I noticed this. They seem nervous.
Q They seem very nervous, exactly. Now, tell me why they should be more nervous?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, I think that when you look at the rhetoric that they've been using against me before I even took office --

Q I know, I know.

THE PRESIDENT: -- what that tells me is that their ideas are bankrupt. There's no actions that they've taken that say a child in the Muslim world is getting a better education because of them, or has better health care because of them.

In my inauguration speech, I spoke about: You will be judged on what you've built, not what you've destroyed. And what they've been doing is destroying things. And over time, I think the Muslim world has recognized that that path is leading no place, except more death and destruction.
ADAM:  It's so much more effective than "bring it on..."
What always bothered me about GeeDub was how he was like the arrogant numbskulls I have worked for in the past.  (None now.  My current bosses belch rainbows.)  "They" weren't lying when they said that he was the kind of guy you could have a beer in a bar with...and you'd have to crack on him when he smirked something stupid and grabbed your ass.  I don't want a president I'd have to keep my back to the wall around.

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