Friday, December 19, 2008

I Write Letters

Hello there!  Been away for a while, under a great cloud of some pretty freakout inducing health issues, and just didn't have the creative spirit to, well, create.  THANK GOD for my misguided boyfriend Charles Krauthammer.  He obviously knew this and penned one of his obnoxious missives just for me.  Wasn't that sweet?

Chuck's argument against appointing Caroline Kennedy to Hillary Clinton's senate seat from the Washington Post:
Right idea, wrong argument. The problem with Caroline Kennedy's presumption to Hillary Clinton's soon-to-be-vacated Senate seat is not lack of qualification or experience.  The Senate houses lots of inexperienced rookies -- wealthy businessmen, sports stars, even the occasional actor.

The problem is Kennedy's sense of entitlement. Given her rather modest achievements, she is trading entirely on pedigree.

I hate to be a good-government scold, but wasn't the American experiment a rather firm renunciation of government by pedigree?
I, of course, couldn't let this pass me by, health and ennui be damned:
This is lazy writing. Your premise of Caroline Kennedy's sense of entitlement is not supported by facts.  What are you basing this statement on?  What you have pointed out is others' and apparently your sense of Caroline Kennedy's entitlement.  You do this all the time.  You state what can only be in another's mind without proof to back it up.  Lazy and if I may say, entitled opinion reporting.  It's true if you say it? Gah!
It's not that I disagree with his idea that Kennedy should not get the senate seat on her name alone.  I think it's a bad idea for the government by pedigree reason that Chucky states.  What gets my goat about Chuck is his assumption of others' thoughts and beliefs and stating them as facts in The Washington Post.  Gah, indeed.

1 comment:

  1. hello again Hicks,

    I just read your comment on my page. I tried feverishly to try to figure out how to put up an email me link on my blog but to no avail. I figured since its not like anybody else is beating down my door for it I would just leave it for you here. And thanks for continuing to check my blog out ;)

    PS I do look to see if you have posted something new but I don't trip that you haven't. Blogging IMHO has to be something that you are moved to do or else its gonna come across fake anyway. So I'll just be patient until I see something new from you pop up.
