Tuesday, March 02, 2010

In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida...and the 64 Crayola Box

Speaking of advertising. I was directed to this from Andrew's. Man oh man. Heh. This ain't your grandpa's stoner trip. Big deal you scoff. Naw. CLICK THIS. Oooh. All the pretty colors.

“And Then There Was Salsa” from Frito Lay Dips on Vimeo.

The page takeover is what seals it. Here's another example for the Honda Insight. I don't watch broadcast much anymore getting pretty much all my content on the internet. I'm an advertiser's dream for this stuff. That page takeover. Wow.

Fun, huh? And speaking of colors. I am a big fan of OK Go's synchronized treadmill video. Here they play on kinetic motion to make something really interesting and fun. Trying to keep up with what's moving things forward is a challenge.

h/t Alyssa Rosenberg