Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Chickenshit on a Pump Handle

Did I hear someone heckle the President of the United States? It was more than enough to see the entrenched Republican Rich Pimps sitting their wife-cheating hypocritical self-serving fear-mongering asses down on anything the President pointed out would help the Un-Rich, but then to have a member of those hallowed halls from the Republican side of the aisle disdainfully call out opposition? I don't even need to go back and see if Bush/Clinton/Bush/Reagan/Carter/Ford/Nixon/Johnson/Kennedy/Eisenhower (my lifetime) had to face that. It wouldn't be right for any of those men and it isn't right now.

It's as useless and insulting as chickenshit on a pump handle.

UPDATE: It was Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) who yelled out to the President "You lie." He called the President a liar in the Congressional Hall on national television (except for Fox). He has since apologized but... He called the President a LIAR.

UPDATE II: Reaction to outburst. Nancy's hairy eyeball is priceless.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:09 AM

    It was wrong for Wilson to say "You Lie" to the President of the United States.

    But it is also wrong for the President to lie.
