Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Truer Words? Never Spoken

The dependably astute young Adam Serwer neatly points out the obvious about the meme du jour that Obama is tackling too much.
A word to the wise for those who think this line of argument will actually succeed at curbing Obama's ambitions: A black man who just got elected president of the United States is not going to be daunted by a bunch of talking heads telling him what he will or will not be able to do.
Does anyone actually think that President Obama would abbreviate his aspirations because beltway pundits think he should?  And as far as journalists go, they have become sheep, harmoniously bleating the new idea.  They are lazy and static and uninterested in real stories.

1 comment:

  1. Notice how the genesis of this meme came from Warren Buffet's interview on CNBC. Nobody thought to recognize that as a big time investor Buffet's primary focus is of course on the stock market while President Obama has a lot more on his plate. Its a classic damned if you do and damned if you don't. Two or three weeks ago the meme was that it was the housing crisis that was the problem so President Obama came out with a housing plan. Now its the banking crisis which he has already been working on. But on the one hand people want him to fix the banking system, on the other hand those same people don't want any more bailouts and they are against nationalization. But the funny thing is this, even if President Obama "fixes" the banks then it will just be on to the next thing he isn't focusing enough on. He is doing his damn job and people just need to fall back.
